Incorporating the latest technology to constantly improve his patients’ healthcare experience, Mr. James Chiu introduces the option of the CorinRPM™. The CorinRPM™ is a free and interactive smartphone application which provides seamless patient engagement during their joint replacement surgery. It allows Mr James Chiu and his medical team to accompany and care for you throughout the entire journey.
The CorinRPM™ enables easy patient access to education and information, while supporting your preparation and rehabilitation before, during and after surgery.
The CorinRPM™ app is available on iOS and Android. Please click the appropriate link to download the application.
QR Code: Scan QR Code with Your Smartphone to Download
Once the app is downloaded, please return to your computer desktop or mobile home screen, and then click on the CorinRPM™ icon.
A personalised access code will be generated for you when you are booked for the joint replacement surgery. The rooms will email this access code to your email address specified.
Please accept the notifications to receive alerts for appointments and activities.
This application is not intended to provide medical advice or diagnosis. It is not intended to replace a proper medical consultation. Please contact Mr James Chiu’s rooms should you have any questions regarding your surgery.
應用程式 – CorinRPM™
趙駿醫生Mr. James Chiu為了可以持續提升患者的醫療保健經驗,採用最新科技並提供“CorinRPM™應用程式選項。 CorinRPM™是一個免費的智型手機互動應用程式,其當患者決定進行關節置換手術時,可透過此應用程式實施無縫的患者參與體驗。 此應用程式可以協助趙駿醫生Mr. James Chiu及其醫務團隊在整個醫療過程中陪伴和看護您。
iOS和Android平台上提供了CorinRPM™應用程式。 請點擊相應的鏈接下載該應用程式。
QR Code: 請以智能手機掃描QR碼下載
此應用程式的使用主旨,並不是提供醫療建議或醫療診斷。 也不能取代專業醫療諮詢。 如果您對手術有任何疑問,請聯繫趙駿醫生Mr. James Chiu的診所。
应用程式 – CorinRPM™
赵骏医生Mr. James Chiu为了可以持续提升患者的医疗保健经验,采用最新科技并提供CorinRPM™应用程式选项。 CorinRPM™是一个免费的智型手机互动应用程式,其当患者决定进行关节置换手术时,可透过此应用程式实施无缝的患者参与体验。此应用程式可以协助赵骏医生Mr. James Chiu及其医务团队在整个医疗过程中陪伴和看护您。
开始使用CorinRPM™ 应用程式:
QR Code: 请以智能手机扫描QR码下载
此应用程式的使用主旨,并不是提供医疗建议或医疗诊断。也不能取代专业医疗咨询。如果您对手术有任何疑问,请联系赵骏医生Mr. James Chiu的诊所。