
It is important to inform the rooms about all the medications that you take, including prescription and non-prescription (over-the-counter) medication and supplements. You may be instructed to stop taking a medication / supplement.

You must inform the rooms / surgeon / anaesthetist of any allergic reactions you have to medications.

We kindly ask you to bring all X-rays / MRI Scans / CT Scans along with you on the day.

Please remove all rings / bracelets / bangles from all fingers and toes on the operated side before coming to hospital. If a ring cannot be removed, you may need to organise a jeweller to cut the ring off – surgery CANNOT proceed if there is a ring on the operative limb.

Smoking and consumption of alcohol must cease within 48 hours of surgery. If under the influence of alcohol or drugs, your surgery will be cancelled.

Please contact Mr James Chiu’s rooms should you have questions regarding your surgery, such as the admission paperwork, admission time, fasting time, and/or medication.



請提前告知診所您目前正在服用的所有藥物,這是非常重要的,其包括處方藥、非處方藥(在藥店購買的) 和保健食品。您可能會被要求停止服用部分藥物/保健食品。


請在手術當天攜帶您所有的X光照片、核磁共振 (MRI) 和電腦斷層掃描 (CT Scan) 。

入院前,請從將要進行手術的那ㄧ邊的手指上和腳趾上,取下所有戒指/鍊子/鐲子。如果無法取下戒指,您可能需要安排一個珠寶商來切斷戒指 – 如果要進行手術那ㄧ邊的手足上有戒指,手術將會無法進行。


如果您對手術有任何的疑問,例如:入院的相關表格,入院的時間,禁食的時間和/或藥物問題,請聯繫趙駿醫生的診所 。



请提前告知诊所您目前正在服用的所有药物,这是非常重要的,其包括处方药、非处方药(在药店购买的) 和保健食品。您可能会被要求停止服用部分药物/保健食品。


请在手术当天携带您所有的X光照片、核磁共振 (MRI) 和电脑断层扫描 (CT Scan) 。

入院前,请从将要进行手术的那ㄧ边的手指上和脚趾上,取下所有戒指/链子/镯子。如果无法取下戒指,您可能需要安排一个珠宝商来切断戒指 – 如果要进行手术那ㄧ边的手足上有戒指,手术将会无法进行。

手术48小时前,需要停止抽烟与饮用有酒精成份的食饮品 如果身体有酒精或药物的影响,您的手术将会被取消。


Epworth Richmond Hospital

Address: 89 Bridge Road, Richmond VIC 3121
Phone: (03) 9426 6666

Prior to admission, please complete the admission form either online in advance or manually on the day of admission: online patient admission form

地址: 89 Bridge Road, Richmond VIC 3121
電話: (03) 9426 6666

請在入院前,提前在網上線填寫入院登記表,或是在入院當天親自填寫入院表格: 網上入院登記表

地址: 89 Bridge Road, Richmond VIC 3121
电话: (03) 9426 6666

请在入院前,提前在网上线填写入院登记表,或是在入院当天亲自填写入院表格: 网上入院登记表

The Bays Hospital

Address: Vale Street, Mornington VIC 3931
Phone: (03) 5975 2009

Prior to admission, please complete the admission form either online in advance or manually on the day of admission: online patient admission form

地址: Vale Street, Mornington VIC 3931
電話: (03) 5975 2009

請在入院前,提前在網上線填寫入院登記表,或是在入院當天親自填寫入院表格: 網上入院登記表

地址: Vale Street, Mornington VIC 3931
电话: (03) 5975 2009

请在入院前,提前在网上线填写入院登记表,或是在入院当天亲自填写入院表格: 网上入院登记表

Monash House Private Hospital

Address: 271 Clayton Road, Clayton VIC 3168
Phone: (03) 8394 0700

Prior to admission, please complete the admission form either online in advance or manually on the day of admission: online patient admission form

地址: 271 Clayton Road, Clayton VIC 3168
電話: (03) 8394 0700

請在入院前,提前在網上線填寫入院登記表,或是在入院當天親自填寫入院表格: 網上入院登記表

地址: 271 Clayton Road, Clayton VIC 3168
电话: (03) 8394 0700

请在入院前,提前在网上线填写入院登记表,或是在入院当天亲自填写入院表格: 网上入院登记表

Mitcham Private Hospital

Address: 27 Doncaster E Rd Mitcham VIC 3132
Phone: (03) 9210 3222

Prior to admission, please complete the admission form either online in advance or manually on the day of admission: online patient admission form

地址: 27 Doncaster E Rd Mitcham VIC 3132
電話: (03) 9210 3222

請在入院前,提前在網上線填寫入院登記表,或是在入院當天親自填寫入院表格: 網上入院登記表

地址: 27 Doncaster E Rd Mitcham VIC 3132
电话: (03) 9210 3222

请在入院前,提前在网上线填写入院登记表,或是在入院当天亲自填写入院表格: 网上入院登记表

St Vincent's Private Hospital - East Melbourne

Address: 159 Grey St East Melbourne VIC 3002
Phone: (03) 9928 6555

Prior to admission, please complete the admission form either online in advance or manually on the day of admission: online patient admission form

地址: 159 Grey St East Melbourne VIC 3002
電話: (03) 9928 6555

請在入院前,提前在網上線填寫入院登記表,或是在入院當天親自填寫入院表格: 網上入院登記表

地址: 159 Grey St East Melbourne VIC 3002
电话: (03) 9928 6555

请在入院前,提前在网上线填写入院登记表,或是在入院当天亲自填写入院表格: 网上入院登记表

Warringal Private Hospital

Address: 216 Burgundy St, Heidelberg, VIC 3084
Phone: (03) 9274 1300

Prior to admission, please complete the admission form either online in advance or manually on the day of admission: online patient admission form

地址: 216 Burgundy St, Heidelberg, VIC 3084
電話: (03) 9274 1300

請在入院前,提前在網上線填寫入院登記表,或是在入院當天親自填寫入院表格: 網上入院登記表

地址: 216 Burgundy St, Heidelberg, VIC 3084
电话: (03) 9274 1300

请在入院前,提前在网上线填写入院登记表,或是在入院当天亲自填写入院表格: 网上入院登记表

Waverley Private Hospital

Address: 343-357 Blackburn Rd, Mount Waverley VIC 3149
Phone: (03) 9881 7700

Prior to admission, please complete the admission form either online in advance or manually on the day of admission: online patient admission form

地址: 343-357 Blackburn Rd, Mount Waverley VIC 3149
電話: (03) 9881 7700

請在入院前,提前在網上線填寫入院登記表,或是在入院當天親自填寫入院表格: 網上入院登記表

地址: 343-357 Blackburn Rd, Mount Waverley VIC 3149
电话: (03) 9881 7700

请在入院前,提前在网上线填写入院登记表,或是在入院当天亲自填写入院表格: 网上入院登记表

Vermont Private Hospital

Address: 645-647 Burwood Hwy, Vermont South VIC 3133
Phone: (03) 8547 1111

Prior to admission, please complete the admission form either online in advance or manually on the day of admission: online patient admission form

地址: 645-647 Burwood Hwy, Vermont South VIC 3133
電話: (03) 8547 1111

請在入院前,提前在網上線填寫入院登記表,或是在入院當天親自填寫入院表格: 網上入院登記表

地址: 645-647 Burwood Hwy, Vermont South VIC 3133
电话: (03) 8547 1111

请在入院前,提前在网上线填写入院登记表,或是在入院当天亲自填写入院表格: 网上入院登记表



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