Medical Team

Mr James Chiu - Melbourne Orthopaedic Surgeon

Mr James Chiu’s Dedicated Specialist Team

An effective team is essential for optimal patient safety and outcomes.

The list below are the designated specialists who enhance the quality of treatment and recovery plan for Mr Chiu’s patients.

Dr Leny Hidayati

Dr Hidayati graduated from the University of Melbourne and completed her specialty training for nephrology in 2013. She was trained at Western Health and the Royal Melbourne Hospital. Apart from English, Dr. Leny Hidayati is fluent in Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien and Malay.

Dr Leny Hidayati

Dr Edmund Wong

Dr Edmund Wong is a medical graduate from The University of Adelaide in 2004. He completed his specialist training through Austin and Western Health. He was admitted as a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians in Renal Medicine in 2012. He is fluent in English and Mandarin and some Cantonese.

Dr Edmund Wong

Dr Yasir Khan

Dr Khan completed his MBBS in 2006 in Pakistan and moved to Australia in 2007. He undertook his basic physician training in Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney and advanced physician training in Wollongong Hospital and Frankston Hospital, rotating through multiple specialties including general medicine, endocrinology, rheumatology and peri-operative medicine.

Dr Yasir Khan

Dr Jo Ann Chow
Geriatrician and General Physician

Dr Chow graduated from the University of Melbourne in 2006 and completed advanced training in geriatric medicine at Monash Health. She also has further training in the areas of general medicine and oncology at Eastern Health and Cabrini, and holds a Clinical Diploma in Palliative Care Medicine.

Dr Jo Ann Chow

Dr David Lam

Dr Lam graduated from The University of Melbourne in 2001 and completed his specialist training in anaesthesia at The Royal Melbourne Hospital. He is a Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists and participates in the Continuing Professional Development program. He also anaesthetises for a wide variety of surgical specialties including bariatric, general, maxillofacial, gynaecology and obstetrics.

Dr David Lam

Dr Vincent Tan

Dr Tan is a Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (FANZCA). He graduated from the University of Melbourne medical school in 2001 and completed his specialist training in anaesthesia at the Austin, Alfred and Monash Hospitals.

Dr Vincent Tan

Dr Brandon Nguyen
Assistant Surgeon

Dr Nguyen has been an orthopaedic assistant surgeon since 2002. During this time he has gained enormous experience working alongside some of the most highly regarded orthopaedic surgeons in Australia. He also spent 6 years working as an AFL medical officer for the North Melbourne Football Club.

Dr Brandon Nguyen


Medical Team

Mr James Chiu - Melbourne Orthopaedic Surgeon


高效率的醫療團隊可以提供患者最理想的醫療安全和手術成效 。以下是趙醫生指定的專科醫生們,為趙醫生的患者們提升醫療品質和康復計劃。

Dr Leny Hidayati
腎臟專科醫生 / Nephrologist

Dr Hidayati 從墨爾本大學 (University of Melbourne) 畢業,並在2013年完成她的專科腎臟專訓練。她在 Western Health 和皇家墨爾本醫院 (Royal Melbourne Hospital) 受訓。 除了英語外,Dr Leny Hidayati 也可以流利的透過國語、廣東話、福建话與馬來西亞語溝通。

Dr Leny Hidayati

Dr Edmund Wong
腎臟專科醫生 / Nephrologist

Dr Wong在2004 年畢業於The University of Adelaide(阿德莱德大學)的醫學院。他通過 Austin醫院和 Western Health醫院完成了他的專科培訓。之後他於 2012 年錄取澳大利亞皇家內科醫學院(Royal Australasian College of Physicians) 的腎內科臨床顧問醫生。他能說流利的英語和國語以及一些廣東話。

Dr Edmund Wong

Dr Yasir Khan
家庭醫學科醫師 / Physician

2006Dr Khan 在巴基斯坦完成他的內外全科醫學士,然後2007年移居到澳洲。 他在雪梨皇家北岸公立醫院 (Royal North Shore Hospital)完成了基礎家庭醫學訓練,然後在 Wollongong Hospital Frankston Hospital 醫院進修家庭醫學訓練,並轉調接觸學習多種專業,例如:一班內科、內分泌學、風濕病學和手術全期醫學。

Dr Yasir Khan

Dr David Lam
麻醉醫生 / Anaesthetist

Dr Lam 2001年畢業於墨爾本大學 (The University of Melbourne),並在皇家墨爾本醫院 (The Royal Melbourne Hospital) 完成他的麻醉醫療專科訓練。他是澳大利亞和紐西蘭麻醉師學院 (Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists) 的臨床顧問醫生。他同時幫多種不同領域的專科手術提供麻醉服務,例如:治療肥胖症手術、普通外科、口腔頜面外科、婦科與婦產科手術等。

Dr David Lam

Dr Vincent Tan
麻醉醫生 / Anaesthetist

Dr Tan是澳大利亞和紐西蘭麻醉師學院 (Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists) 的臨床顧問醫生。他在2001年畢業於墨爾本大學 (The University of Melbourne) 的醫學院,並在 AustinAlfredMonash Hospital 醫院完成他的麻醉醫療專科訓練。

Dr Vincent Tan

Dr Brandon Nguyen
開刀助理醫生 / Assistant Surgeon

Dr Nguyen2002年以來,一直從事骨科助理外科醫生。在這期間,他與澳大利亞倍受尊敬的骨科外科醫生們一起工作,並獲得了豐富的經驗。他還在北墨爾本足球俱樂部 (North Melbourne Football Club) 擔任了6年的澳式足球聯盟 (AFL) 的醫療人員 。

Dr Brandon Nguyen


Medical Team

Mr James Chiu - Melbourne Orthopaedic Surgeon


高效率的医疗团队可以提供患者最理想的医疗安全和手术成效 。以下是赵医生指定的专科医生们,为赵医生的患者们提升医疗品质和康复计划。

Dr Leny Hidayati
肾脏专科医生 / Nephrologist

Dr Hidayati 从墨尔本大学 (University of Melbourne) 毕业,并在2013年完成她的专科肾脏专训练。她在 Western Health 和皇家墨尔本医院 (Royal Melbourne Hospital) 受训。除了英语外,Dr Leny Hidayati 可以流利的透过普通话、广东话、福建话与马来西亚语沟通。

Dr Leny Hidayati

Dr Edmund Wong
肾脏专科医生 / Nephrologist

Dr Wong在2004 年毕业于The University of Adelaide(阿德莱德大学)的医学院。他通过 Austin医院和 Western Health医院完成了他的专科培训。之后他于 2012 年录取澳大利亚皇家内科医学院(Royal Australasian College of Physicians) 的肾内科临床顾问医生。他能说流利的英语和普通话以及一些广东话。

Dr Edmund Wong

Dr Yasir Khan
家庭医学科医师 / Physician

2006Dr Khan 在巴基斯坦完成他的内外全科医学士,然后2007年移居到澳洲。他在悉尼皇家北岸公立医院 (Royal North Shore Hospital)完成了基础家庭医学训练,然后在 Wollongong Hospital Frankston Hospital 医院进修家庭医学训练,并转调接触学习多种专业,例如:一班内科、内分泌学、风湿病学和围手术期医学。

Dr Yasir Khan

Dr David Lam
麻醉医生 / Anaesthetist

Dr Lam 2001年毕业于墨尔本大学 (The University of Melbourne),并在皇家墨尔本医院 (The Royal Melbourne Hospital) 完成他的麻醉医疗专科训练。他是澳大利亚和纽西兰麻醉师学院 (Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists) 的临床顾问医生。他同时帮多种不同领域的专科手术提供麻醉服务,例如:治疗肥胖症手术、普通外科、口腔颌面外科、妇科与妇产科手术等。

Dr David Lam

Dr Vincent Tan
麻醉医生 / Anaesthetist

Dr Tan 是澳大利亚和新西兰麻醉师学院 (Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists) 的临床顾问医生。他在2001年毕业于墨尔本大学 (The University of Melbourne) 的医学院,并在 AustinAlfred和 Monash Hospital 医院完成他的麻醉医疗专科训练。

Dr Vincent Tan

Dr Brandon Nguyen
开刀助理医生 / Assistant Surgeon

Dr Nguyen2002年以来,一直从事骨科助理外科医生。在这期间,他与澳大利亚倍受尊敬的骨科外科医生们一起工作,并获得了丰富的经验。他还在北墨尔本足球俱乐部 (North Melbourne Football Club) 担任了6年的澳式足球联盟 (AFL) 的医疗人员

Dr Brandon Nguyen



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